A glimpse into some of the notable projects that I have worked on during my undergraduate studies and professional life.
A Smart Robotic Arm for Automatic Sorting of Objects Based on Their Colors from a Production Line.
Undergraduate Project and Thesis
Industrial automation on replacing the tedious manual process of sorting objects and increasing the overall efficiency of the process by using Arduino (processing unit), different sensors (locate and categorize objects), servo motors (for different motions) and 3D modeling using SolidWorks.
Rover Design for 2018 NASA Rover Challenge
Mechanical Structure Designer
The design of the rover was made to fabricate a human driven vehicle to participate in the 2018 NASA Rover Challenge in Huntsville, AL, USA. Though our team from CUET was finally invited by NASA to attend the competition, we couldn't make it due to lack of sponsorship.

Surfing Boat Simulator
Mechanical Structure Designer
This structure was made for an augmented reality surfing boat simulator game. Upon my design, the structure was built to give the player different angular motions as per the gaming data.

Wing Suit Simulator
Mechanical Structure Designer
This structure was made for an augmented reality wing suit simulator game. Upon my design, the structure was built to give the player different angular motions as per the gaming data.

Solidworks Tutorials for Beginners in Bangla
Content Creater
Basic tutorials of Solidworks in Bengali language targeting those who are completely new in 3d designing. As an enthusiast of CAD, I gave my efforts to contribute a little from my capacity to the beginner level learners of Solidworks.